Sunday, August 11, 2019

RIH jeffrey epstein

I'm so sorry that Jeffrey Epstein is gone. I was so looking forward to suspending the constitutional prohibition on 'cruel and unusual punishment' so that Mr. Epstein could be put to death in a most cruel and unusual way. First of all, he should have been publicly executed, preferably in Yankee Stadium or someplace, to the taunts and cheers of thousands of blood-lusting revenge seekers.

As to method, my personal choice would be garroting, which I believe was a specialty of the Spanish Inquisition. The executor comes up behind the executee, puts a length of piano wire around his neck, and proceeds to squeeze the life out him. In Epstein's case, this should have been done very slowly and painfully, prolonging the agony as long as possible.

But now all that won't happen because Epstein (assuming he did actually kill himself) didn't have the guts to confront the young women whose lives he destroyed for his own personal pleasure. It is for that reason-- and that reason alone-- that I'm sorry he's gone.

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