Saturday, May 5, 2018

schizophrenic google

It seems there are actually two separate Google companies. One is the successful high-tech company whose great service we all use. The other is a politically correct second company that has been piggy-backed onto the first and advocates for a 'multicultural, diverse' tech universe that doesn't quite seem to exist in reality. Here's an example of their output, bemoaning the attributes of a 'white/male dominant culture.' I doubt you can have it both ways.


  1. The other thing this emphasis on'white/male dominant' culture ignores is the presence of large numbers of East Asian people of yellow color and South Asian people of brown color in this industry. That's because this inconvenient fact doesn't fit in with the Left's victimology narrative about 'people of color.'

  2. Why isn't it enough just to give people the opportunity to do things they like and are good at? Why do we have to have all these goddam quotas for everything?
